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A carefully curated selection of 21 poems released in commemoration of the 15th Melopee Poetry Prize.

#poëzieprijsmelopee #bloemlezing #gedichten #dichtbundel #poetry #poems #graphic #graphicart #graphicdesign #grafischontwerp #geometric #abstract #munkenpaper #trotsoplaarne

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Pleased to announce that Annelies Vanoost will be participating in the group exhibition Labyrinth (La Maison de l’Image, Seed Factory, Brussels). Save The Date October 13.

"Now that we have half-opened the door of complexity, the labyrinth is extending and feeding on the advances of this understanding by moving us further away from the exit every day"

#anneliesvanoost #undercast #graphicart #graphicdesign #geometric #geometricart #geometricabstraction #abstraction #labyrinth #exhibition #graphicindex #collectgraphics #designfeed #seedfactory #belgianartist #belgiangraphicdesign #brussels @annelies_vanoost

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Pleased to announce that Annelies Vanoost will be participating in the group exhibition MUSIC GRAPHICS 1 (Seed Factory Brussels). Save The Date 24 March 7 pm.

#anneliesvanoost #vinylart #graphicdesign #vinylrecords #geometric #artwork #nowspinning #records #vinylcover #music #invisibleman #visiblewoman #exhibition #seedfactory #soundpatterns #brussels

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Abstract film experiment exploring time & motion

#abstract #aftereffects #aftereffectsanimation #digitalart #graphic #graphicdesign #graphics #motion #motionappetit #motionart #motiondesigner #motiondesigners #motiongraphics_p #motiongraphicsdesign #motionographer #designinspiration

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Annelies Vanoost`s exhibition, Between the Moon and the Sun II, closes in beauty, with sound and vision, and nice speeches. Many Thx @brunodevos 🎷@eliasstorme

#finnisage #exposition #anneliesvanoost #contemporaryart #geometry #abstractart #art #colors #mirrors #sculpture #minimalism #graphic #cutouts #workonwood #motiondesign #mentalhealth #artandmentalhealth #PZHeilighart #ieper

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"Radicale 1924" is a newly formed Art Residency Program in Saint Cirq Lapopie (France), created to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the publication of André Breton`s first surrealist manifesto.

#artistsresidency #artistsinresidence #contemporaryart #andrebreton #saintcirquelapopie #manifest #graphicdesign #typography #graphicindex #graphicfeed #kinetictypography #motiongraphics #blue @chantal_yzermans @xaviacarin

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SHOW UP/SHOW-OFF is an exhibition of 200 artworks on 200 billboards in the streets of Antwerp along with lectures & performances from 28 June till 25 July. The typography in the visual is made with Dolis, a typeface designed by Loris Pernoux.

#exhibition #exhibitionposters #exhibitionvisual #billboards #graphicdesign #shapesandcolors #typography #dolis #antwerpen #artinpublicplaces #artbiennale #Onboards @onboards.biennale

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